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Psychiatric and Custodial Homes Reform Cell

Last updated: September 15th, 2023

Functions of Psychiatric and Custodial Homes Reform Cell

  1. Examination of Policy framework relating to welfare, safety, skill development and empowerment of women in custody and also other institutions including Psychiatric Homes.
  2. Preparatory work relating to conduct of inspection of Prisons/Custodial Homes and Psychiatric Homes, etc. as also finalising the report of inspections.
  3. Follow-up action on inspection Reports with all stake-holders for further necessary action.
  4. Matters related to improving the conditions of widows in the Country, including those residing in the Swadhar Grehs, spread all over the Country and particularly the widows of Vrindavan.
  5. Follow up action/monitoring of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the WP(Civil) 659 of 2007, including monitoring of Common Action Plan and provision of CSR funds for shelter homes
  6. Survey of Swadhar Homes and other shelter Homes.
  1.  Mental Health Act
  2. Proforma – Visit to Psychiatric/Custodial Homes/Jails:

       I) Proforma for Jail visit

      II) Proforma for Psychiatric Home

      III) Proforma for Sakhi One Stop Centre

  IV) Proforma for Swadhar Greh