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Last updated: अगस्त 21st, 2023The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to protect women from domestic violence.

Last updated: अगस्त 21st, 202375% of Workplace Sexual Harassment is about Ogling, Stalking, Gossip, Unwelocme Touch, Sexual Innuendoes, Pornography, Offensive Sexual Language, Sexual Comments & Gestures. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, Redress) Act, 2013 is introduced to deal the above offenses. For more information, please log on to NCW

Last updated: अगस्त 21st, 202375% of Workplace Sexual Harassment is about Ogling, Stalking, Gossip, Unwelocme Touch, Sexual Innuendoes, Pornography, Offensive Sexual Language, Sexual Comments & Gestures. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, Redress) Act, 2013 is introduced to deal the above offenses. For more information, please log on to NCW Or Contact […]

Last updated: अगस्त 21st, 2023

Last updated: फ़रवरी 1st, 2023

Last updated: फ़रवरी 1st, 2023

Last updated: फ़रवरी 1st, 2023

Last updated: फ़रवरी 1st, 2023

Last updated: फ़रवरी 1st, 2023

Last updated: फ़रवरी 1st, 2023