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Chapter VII – Provisions to file appeal



The Act provides for two tier system for appeals.

  1. Smt. Kusum Mishra, Deputy Secretary has been designated/ nominated as Appellate Authority of National Commission for Women.
  2. Any person who does not receive information within 30 days in normal course and within 40 days in the case of third party information or who is not satisfied with the information provided; may prefer first appeal of incomplete information. (as the case may be)
  3. An applicant may prefer an appeal to the Appellate authority who is an officer senior in rank to the P.I.O.
  4. An appeal may be filed within a period of 30 days from the date on which the limit of 30 days of supply of information is expired or from the date on which the information or decision of the P.I.O. is received. The appellate Authority may condone delay if sufficient cause is shown by the applicant.
  5. The appellate Authority shall dispose appeals within 30 days from the submission of appeal. 
  6. A second appeal against the decision of Appellate Authority can be referred to the Central Information Commission in case any person is not satisfied with the decision of the Appellate Authority.
  7. For filing second appeal 90 days time limit is prescribed limit.
  8. The Commission may Condon the delay if sufficient cause is shown.
  9. Third party appeal against decision of P.I.O. may be filed within 30 days before first appellate Authority and within 90 days of the decision of first appeal before U.P. State Commission.
  10. The Central Information Commission has been given enormous powers to attend to complaints and appeals etc. They have been given power of summoning and enforcing attendance of persons; compelling them to give oral or written evidence on oath to produce documents or things etc (if required).