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Chapter IV – Disposal of request



Disposal of request 

  1. The Citizen can file an application for getting information along with fee to the P.I.O. shall ensure, that request is delivered to concerned office, as early as possible.
  2. Where further fee is required say for photo copying; The P.I.O. shall intimate to the applicant in writing giving details of amount to be deposited for providing information. The Citizens can seek inspection of works, documents, and records, take extracts or certified copies of documents or sample of material. 
  3. On receipt of request in concerned department it shall be the duty of the Official In charge of the Section/Divisional Head of that department that the request is properly examined by nominated official and entered in the register.
  4. In case the inspection of document has been asked for, it shall be the duty of the official /person in charge of the section that the document or record or file is sent to P.I.O. with the information within 7 days so that P.I.O. may intimate applicant to inspect the record or documents under single window system.
  5. P.I.O. shall intimate the applicant to come and inspect the document available in his office within a week.
  6. The applicants shall be provided the information free of charge if the Commission fails to provide information within 30 days. If the interest of third party is involved then the time limit is 40 days. 
  7. The information is to be supplied in a time bound manner, failing which the applicant can file an appeal before the appellate Authority. In case information is supplied after 30 days, no further fee will be collected. 
  8. In case of third party information, the P.I.O. shall issue notice to third party and give him opportunity of hearing if required and 10 days time to represent (if required). The P.I.O. shall take into consideration the representation while taking decision on the request on merits.
  9. In case, where, the request is rejected or refused by the P.I.O.; the particulars of the Appellate Authority to whom appeal can be referred, shall be mentioned with time limit of the appeal.