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A National Consultation was organized by National Commission for Women with the technical support of UN Women, ICMR, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Civil Society Experts, State Women Commissions and UNFPA on 15th October 2015. 

The objective of the National Consultation was as following:

  1. To critically examine the provisions of the Draft ART Bill particularly in the context of Commercial Surrogacy and to generate concrete recommendations for policy and legislation on ART and surrogacy in India.
  2. To ensure that the regulatory measures will protect the health and the rights of surrogate women and of children born through surrogacy and for strict implementation.
  3. To build public opinion amongst diverse constituents on the issue and challenges related to India’s emergence as the global hub for commercial surrogacy.

The relevant details are given on Annexure V. The recommendation sent to Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for further necessary action.