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सुओ मोटो सेल

Cell Details

Last updated: अक्टूबर 21st, 2024

Particulars of its organisation, functions and duties.
Name of organization: Law Commission of India, D/o Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice
Address : 2nd & 4th Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi
Head of Organization: Member Secretary, Law Commission of India

हमारा विज़न
Reforming the laws for maximizing justice in society and promoting good governance under the rule of law.

The Terms of Reference of the Law Commission, inter alia, includes review/repeal of obsolete laws, to examine the Laws which affect the poor and carry out post-audit for social-economic legislations, to keep under review the system of judicial administration to ensure that it is responsive to the reasonable demands of the times and in particular to secure elimination of delays in cases/and simplification of procedure to reduce and eliminate technicalities, to examine the existing laws in the light of Directive Principles of State Policy and to suggest ways of improvement and reform and also to suggest such legislations as might be necessary to implement the Directive Principles and to attain the objectives set out in the Preamble to the Constitution, Examine the existing laws with a view for promoting gender equality and suggesting amendments thereto, to revise the Central Acts of general importance so as to simp-lify them and to remove anomalies, ambiguities and inequities, to examine the impact of globalization on food security, unemployment and recommend measures for the protection of the interests of the marginalized, etc.

Key Objectives
Revising and updating of the inherited laws, repealing of the outdated laws and recommendations to enact new laws to serve the changing needs of the country with the legal framework fir for 21st century.

Functions & Duties
While discharging its functions in accordance with the Terms of Reference, the Commission is presently assisted by one Joint Secretary & Law Officer and one Deputy Law Officer. The Secretariat staff, looking after the administrative side of the Commission’s operations, presently consists of one Deputy Secretary, One Section Officer and Two Assistant Section Officers. The stenographic assistance to the Commission and its officers is provided by officers of different levels. In addition there are Four Staff Car Drivers and sixteen MTS.

Organization Chart / Miscellaneous details of CommissionIn independent India the First Law Commission was established in 1955, with the then Attorney General of India, Mr. M.C. Setalvad as its Chairman.Since then, twenty one more Law Commissions have been constituted, each with a three-year term and with certain terms of reference.

Functions of Suo-Motu Cell

Suo-motu cognizance of cases/instances of violation/deprivation of the rights of women and constituting Inquiry Committees/Fact Finding Teams, facilitating their visits, processing Report of such Committees/teams and all follow up action.

Non-implementation of laws enacted to provide protection to women and also to achieve the objective of equality.

Non-compliance of policy decisions, guidelines or instructions aimed at mitigating hardships and ensuring welfare and empowerment of women.

Note: Suo-Motu cognizance is taken on the basis of print, electronic and social media reports or information received by the Commission from any other source.