Last updated: January 29th, 2025
NCW has been conducting Women Empowerment centric programs since its inception, however, a dedicated cell for the purpose was setup in 2019. Women Welfare & Capacity Building Cell (WW&CBC) of NCW works on the needs of women-centric interventions to address the most pressing challenges affecting empowering of women at economic, social, cultural and political level
Functions of Women Welfare & Capacity Building Cell
Setup in 2019, WW&CB Cell of NCW works on the needs of women-centric interventions to address the most pressing challenges affecting empowering of women at economic, social, cultural and political level.
The Cell has been conducting various Awareness programs, Workshops, Conferences, Seminars, Competitions, Legal Awareness Programmes, Gender Sensitization Workshops, Capacity Building, Skill Development, Women Empowerment and Personality Developments Programs, etc. for holistic growth of women.
i. Gender Sensitization and Legal Awareness Programme for
ii. Capacity Building & Skill Development Programs
iii. Organizing Awareness Programs Seminars/Webinars/Workshops on various women centric issues and challenges.
iv. Organizing Awareness Program on Digital literacy and cyber security.
v. Interaction with State Commissions for Women and hand holding
The Cell organized programs at State, Regional and Pan India Level. In order to increase the outreach of its programs the cell collaborates with multiple stakeholders some of them being Sate Women Commissions, National Legal Services Authorities, Central and State Universities, NGOs etc.
A detail proposal with following information should be submitted to Joint Secretary or any other higher officer:
S.No. | Room No. | Name | Designation | Office Number | Fax Number | Intercom Number | Email Address |
1 | 202 | Mrs. Monika Yadav | DEPUTY SECRETARY | - | - | 205 | monika[dot]yadav[at]nic[dot]in |
2 | 401 | Mr. Binu Peter | SENIOR ANALYST | - | - | 267 | |
3 | 204 | Ms. Neha Singh | COUNSELLOR | - | - | 235 | neha[dot]ncw[at]gov[dot]in |
4 | 203 | Ms. Tunika Upadhyay | COUNSELLOR | - | - | 274 | tunika[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in |
5 | 010 | Mr. Ramawtar Singh | PERSONAL SECRETARY | |