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North-East Cell

Last updated: February 24th, 2025

North East Cell of the Commission takes special steps for the economic, social, cultural and political empowerment of women in the North Eastern Region.

NER Cell has been created to enhance the focus on the women of North East Region and their special problems / challenges, and also to intervene with State and Central Governments whenever required.

Functions of North East Cell

  • Coordinate all activities for addressing issues concerning women in the North-Eastern States including special problems/challenges and to take initiatives for their development and empowerment.
  • All matters relating to seminars/workshops/consultation/research studies/legal awareness programmes, etc. in North east States.
  • Organize capacity building and training workshops for diverse women groups in collaboration with different Government Departments.


S.No. Room No. Name Designation Office Number Fax Number Intercom Number Email Address
1 209 Mrs. Shivani Dey DEPUTY SECRETARY - - 203 shivani[dot]dey[at]gov[dot]in
2 401 Mr. Sudhir Goel UNDER SECRETARY - - 271 ao-ncw[at]nic[dot]in
3 204 Ms. Debalina Banerjee JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - 291 debalina[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in