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Complaint & Investigation Cell

Last updated: February 6th, 2025

  • Processes  the complaints received orally in writing or online via official website National Commission for Women.
  • Deals with the complaints received from all over the country including those relating to deprivation of rights of women and involving injustice to women takes suo motu cognizance of incidents related to commission of heinous crimes against women U/S 10 of the National Commission Act, 1990

Scrutiny of Complaints

  • The complaints received are  scrutinised as per Commission’s mandate and adopted procedure to handle complaints
  • The complaints which falls within the Commission’s mandate and adopted procedure to handle complaints are registered under 19 identified categories
  • The complaints of the following nature are  summarily dismissed:-
    1. Complaints which are illegible or vague, anonymous or pseudonymous;
    2. The issue raised relates to civil dispute between the parties;
    3. The issue raised relates to service matters;
    4. Matter is sub judice before a Court/Tribunal;
    5.  Complaints which are already pending before a State Commission or any other Commission
    6. Complaints only endorsed to the Commission
    7. Complaints involving no deprivation of women rights

Processing of Complaints

To provide adequate relief to the complainant and ensure suitable redressal of her grievances. The complaints are acted upon in the following manner :

  1. Investigations by the police are expedited and monitored.
  2. Family disputes are resolved or compromised through counseling or hearing  before the Commission.. For serious crimes, the Commission constitutes an Inquiry Committee which makes spot enquiries, examines various witnesses, collects evidence and submits the report with recommendations. Such investigations help in providing immediate relief and justice to the victims of violence and atrocities. The implementation of the report is monitored by the NCW. There is a provision for having experts/lawyers on these committees.
  3. A few complaints are also forwarded to the respective State Commissions for Women and other forums like the National Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe, etc., for disposal of the complaints at their end.
  4. In respect of complaints related to sexual harassment of women at their workplaces, the concerned organizations or departments are urged to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee(ICC) as per the mandatory provisions Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 in order  to enquire into such complaints. The Commission regularly monitored and takes up these complaints with the concerned organizations/departments to expedite the disposal of the complaints by following the statutory provisions.

Analysis of Complaints:-

  1. The complaints received show the trend of crimes against women and suggests systemic changes needed for reduction in crimes.
  2. The complaints are analyzed to understand the gaps in routine functioning of government in tackling violence against women and to suggest corrective measures.
  3. The complaints are also used as case studies for sensitization programmes for the police, judiciary, prosecutors, forensic scientists, defence lawyers and other administrative functionaries.

Here’s what you will find in this section

Standard Operating Procedures for Handling

  • Standard Operating Procedures for Handling Complaints in Complaint and Investigation Cell (C&I Cell)  (242.25 KB) 


  • VIOLENCE FREE HOME- A WOMEN’S RIGHT A joint programme of the National Commission for Women (NCW), Delhi Police and TISS Mumbai (88.4 KB) 

FAQs related to Cell

A person intending to file a complaint before the National Commission for women may do so by making a complaint on the official website of the Commission under the section of Register Online Complaints. One can also send a written application containing all the important details (along with supporting documents, if any) through post or by hand.

Any case involving deprivation of women’s right or harassment of women in India can be registered with the National Commission for Women. The complaint should disclose complete details of the matter with specific relief/intervention sought from the National Commission for Women.

  1. Abduction
  2. Acid Attack
  3. Causing Miscarriage
  4. Criminal Intimidation/
  5. Assault
  6. Cybercrimes Against Women
  7. Denial Of Maternity Benefits to Women
  8. Domestic Violence
  9. Dowry Harassment
  10. Dowry Death
  11. Gender Discrimination, Including Equal Right to Education & Work
  12. Murder
  13. Attempt To Murder
  14. Outraging Modesty of Women/Molestation
  15. Police Apathy Against Women
  16. Polygamy/Bigamy
  17. Triple Talaq
  18. Rape
  19. Request For Free Legal Aid to Women
  20. Right To Exercise Choice in Marriage
  21. Honor Killing
  22. Sex Selective Abortion; Female Foeticide / Amniocentesis
  23. Sexual Assault
  24. Sexual Harassment
  25. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
  26. Stalking
  27. Voyeurism
  28. Trafficking
  29. Forced Prostitution of Women
  30. Dehumanizing And Stigmatization of Women

The following categories of complaints are liable to be summarily dismissed by the National Commission for Women:

  • Complaints illegible or vague, anonymous or pseudonymous
  • If the matter relates to a civil dispute between the parties such as contractual rights or obligations
  • The issue raised relates to service matters not involving any deprivation of women’s rights
  • The issue raised relates to labour/ industrial disputes not involving any deprivation of women’s rights
  • Matter is sub judice in a Court/ Tribunal
  • Matter is pending before a State Commission
  • Matter has already been decided by the Commission Matter is outside the purview of the National Commission for Women on any other ground.

An acknowledgment along with complaint number, login ID and password is sent to the complainant upon receipt of complaint by the National Commission for Women if the complaint has been accepted by the National Commission for Women. In the event of the complaint being rejected, the same shall be communicated to the complainant at the earliest. One can also check it telephonically or by personally visiting the National Commission for Women.

If your complaint is accepted by the National Commission for Women you will be allotted a complaint number with login ID and password which can be used to track the status of your complaint on the website of the Commission. You can also check the same telephonically or by personally visiting the National Commission for Women.

For complaint related queries dial 24x7 NCW Women Helpline Number  :- 7827170170

You can contact us anytime between 9.00 AM – 5.30 PM. Working Days - Monday to Friday or you can send details through email at any time.

  • Contact details of the complainant and the respondent ( if available )
  • Brief description of the incident
  • Details of remedies already exhausted
  • Supporting documents (If any)

On receipt of a complaint, the commission:

  1. Scrutinizes the complaint as per NCW mandate
  2. Mandated complaints are registered and case number allotted
  3. Non mandated complaints are summarily dismissed upon intimation
  4. As per the nature of the complaint, the mandated complaints are taken up with the concerned authorities. Following actions are mainly taken to redress the grievances of the complainants :
    • Expediting/monitoring police investigation
    • Monitor proper implementation of statutory provisions
    • Resolving the issues through mediation/counseling
    • For serious crimes, the National Commission for Women forms an Inquiry committee which further examines various aspects of the case.

Yes, you can file a complaint with National Commission for Women. The Commission will take up your case with your employer/concerned organization to monitor the proceedings of your complaint as per the mandatory provisions of the Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013.

Yes, you can approach the National Commission for Women in case your employer/ concerned organization is denying you the maternity benefit as per the provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.

Yes, you can seek the National Commission for Women or State Women Commission’s help if you want to resolve the issue through mediation, counseling or for expediting police investigation.


S.No. Room No. Name Designation Office Number Fax Number Intercom Number Email Address
1 209 Mrs. Shivani Dey DEPUTY SECRETARY - - 203 shivani[dot]dey[at]gov[dot]in
2 401 Mr. Sudhir Goel UNDER SECRETARY - - 271 ao-ncw[at]nic[dot]in
3 002 Mrs. M. Lilabati SENIOR COORDINATOR - - 512 lilabati[dot]ncw[at]gov[dot]in
4 002 Mr. Satyendra Singh Chaurasia LEGAL ASSISTANT - - 515 satyendra[dot]chaurasia[at]gov[dot]in
5 401 Mrs. Gunjan Singh COUNSELLOR - - 315 gunjansingh[dot]ncw[at]gov[dot]in
6 003 Ms. Saloni Prabhakar COUNSELLOR - - 327 saloni[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
7 203 Ms. Anjana Sharma COUNSELLOR - - 241 anjana[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
8 401 Mr. Sahil Kumar COUNSELLOR - - 334, 521 sahil[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
9 002 Ms. Nidhi Arya COUNSELLOR - - 517 nidhi[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
10 002 Ms. Deepali Srivastava JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - 519 deepali[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
11 002 Mr. Kamal JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - 241 kamal[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
12 002 Mr. Manmohan Sharma JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - 241 manmaohan[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
13 002 Mr. Ritesh Nangia JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - - ritesh[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
14 002 Mr. Yash Sharma JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - - sharmayash[at]hotmail[dot]com
15 002 Mr. Rohan Prakash JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - 519 rohanprakash[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
16 002 Ms. Khyati Yadav JR. TECHNICAL EXPERT - - 315 khyatiyadav[dot]ncw[at]nic[dot]in
17 002 Mrs. Madhu Pal CLERK (DW) - - 536 -
18 002 Mrs. Neetu Rawat CLERK (DW) - - - -
19 002 Mr. Raj Kumar CLERK (DW) - - - -